Kona Fishing Report

imageMy crew Molly pulling leader on a nice fish to release.  What a great day for our clients  We are having so much fun.


Much aloha and God Bless

Kona Fishing Report

imageThese two from Canada. They caught an estimated 275 pound Blue Marlin.  We released this fish and they were so happy.  So was the fish!!!!  Mother and son team.  Great day!!!!!!!!!

Kona Fishing Report

imageThis is an Ono.  One of the best eating fish ever.  What a catch  Thanks guys


Much aloha and God Bless

Kona Fishing Report

imageWhat a great shot!!!  From the water to the fish bag to the kitchen.   Come join us and have the time of your life


Much aloha and God Bless

Kona Fishing Report

imageThis beautiful little Stripe Marlin is perfect for the BBQ and Civiche. This is exactly what are charter wanted.  Meat fish!!!! What a great day.



Much aloha and God Bless

Kona Fishing Report

imageWe set this Billfish free.  What a catch and what a shot.  Look at the color of the water.  Come join us and thanks to Lynn for this great shot and see you soon..


Much aloha and God Bless

Kona Fishing Report


There are so many spearfish here right now we figured some thing big was eating them. So we rigged one up alive and put it out.  2.5 hours later bait was still swimming strong.  But another spearfish tried to mate with ours.  What a crazy day. I think we are the only ones to ever do this. Our client said go big or go home.  If any one knows of any one else who attempted to do this please contact me.  This kind of fishing attracts Marlin over 800 pounds.  Only in Kona..


Much aloha and God Bless

Kona Fishing Report

imageThis Iowa man chartered for 2 full days.  This is day one  We live baited one of these as I said in an earlier post.. Loved fishing with this guy.  He gets it!!One of the best things I have experienced.

Much aloha and God Bless

Kona Fishing Report

imageThese folks had so much fun they could not believe it. For some reason perhaps El Nino we are catching spearfish .. Very unusual.  Thanks for coming..


Much aloha and God Bless

Kona Fishing Report

imageThis good friend from Wisconsin has been coming every year  and fishing with me since 1997.  I must be doing something right.  Thanks John another great day

Much aloha and God Bless